Friday, September 11, 2020

Mission Antyodaya Mobile App Free Tools Downlaod Software in India

The app is about the Ministry of Rural Development. It contains all the data which the Ministry of Development issued for citizens. Ministry Of Rural Development planned to collect the village-level data on infrastructure and economic activities using this 'Mission Antyodaya' android mobile app. The Information collected will be used to rank the Gram panchayats and create a baseline for monitoring the villages and GPs.

It is not for the use of the General Public but only for the officials of the MoRD for field data collection. The government officials get to better monitor and track the respective departments, districts, and services by looking at the various dashboards.


Why use this app (Citizens):

v  Know the status of their application and the current pendency

v  Know the RTS date when the service will be provided


Why use this app (Officials):


v  Department Leaderboard - To see the statewide department leaderboard.

v  District Leaderboard - To see the statewide district leaderboard.

v  Service Leaderboard - To see the service wise leaderboard of the department.

v  Detailed Service Level Report - Get the detailed service level report for a defined department/district

v  Service Bottleneck Report - Understand the bottlenecks in a service resulting in the delay of the service

Users highly recommend the app. Indians people like to use the app but around the globe, people can also use the app. the app is also very informative.

Click Here To Install

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